Monday 15 April 2013

Pooram festivals - excitement is in the air

 Poorams are temple festivals of Kerala.  A lot goes into making a pooram. The first ingredient is anticipation, which may run for weeks or even months. Add a lot of passion and preparation to it.

Processions start in the villages, move through the streets and reach the pooram spot by afternoon. Rest of the action unfolds at the Pooram spot, which is usually the temple courtyard or the nearby paddy field.

Processions are affairs where heart beat rhymes with drum beat rhythms. See for your self -

Cheering fans dance to the beats. Well, some of them have been waiting for this for a while-
 The drummers are never alone. Who is with them? Let us have a look-
What you saw in the above picture is Theyyam. 
A close up -
Want to see even closer?
Needless to say, the Theyyam is a commanding presence. Have any doubt?
 Different types of floats accompany the procession. Usually deities in costumes walk with the procession.
Or some times they are in a vehicle-
Ancient Hindu stories are re-enacted. They show the Gods and how they destroy evil guys.
 Some of the characters may be in a trance like state. Alcohol may intoxicate some, and the drum beats adds to the vibe.
For a westerner, there is something incredible, that needs to be seen to believe. And that is the face piercing with the arrow (shoolam).
The arrow pierces the cheeks. The yellow globe like thing is a half cut lemon.  
And they walk several kilometers and spend a great part of the day with the arrow pierced through their cheeks. They are driven by penance, offering or devotion.

The drum guys have to keep it up for hours and hours-

 Some processions even have elephants.
Elephants and men have to work closely to bring grandeur to these festivals. Some times this elephant - man association can take a nasty turn. Those are the rare times when elephants assert who is the big guy. Sometimes such incidents hit even global headlines.
Most festivals run smoothly without mishaps. 
20-40 elephants lined with wearing all that ornaments is so unparallelled to take your breath away. The picture is only complete when we add the hectic drum beats, the dances, the frenzy, the crowds, the noise, the dust and the sun.
Elephant line ups are awesome. Are you about to conclude that they are the best part of the pooram?
Wait a minute, here comes the fire works-

Only one question remains, and that is - do you want to come with us?
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